Saturday, May 7, 2011

Personal Goal for Self Evaluation: Health

It was so exciting to see Andrew's pictures and hear him talk about his field study to Ghana. To see pictures of the home and the woman we'll be residing with was so cool! Andrew also shared about the food we will be eating in Ghana. And though this is usually better to discuss at a later date its been on my mind and I believe it is something I need to prepare for.

Andrew shared about his experience getting Malaria in Ghana and advised us on the reasons why we should avoid leafy vegetables or fruits with thin skins because of the risk of Typhoid. So these are risks I'm willing to take, they don't frighten me, but I do believe they are something I should prepare for.

Ashley and Dave gave us an optional criteria on our self evaluation form where we can fill in for ourselves what we'd like to improve upon in the Spring Semester that will help us prepare for Ghana. I believe I will evaluate myself on my ability to prepare my body and keep my health in order so that I can fully enjoy my experience in Ghana.

A main concern I need to address is the diet. I have worked on changing my lifestyle to fit certain dietary restrictions for health related issues over the past two years and presently I eat mostly nuts, green vegetables and meat. I am advised to avoid citrus fruit, gluten, dairy, corn, soy and sugar. This is an issue for me even now but moving to Ghana for a semester may pose great problems.

Ghanaian's, Andrew reported, eat mostly starchy vegetables and fruit. For this I am lucky! The fact that their main staples do not consist of gluten is fantastic because that is my major allergy that I must avoid. But, I do not eat starchy vegetables very often and rely on fresh vegetables for good digestion, immunity, and energy. I don't want these dietary handicaps to impede too much upon an experience I've dreamed of having for a long time. I want to eat the way Ghanaians eat, but I want to feel healthy and energized to conduct my research and have meaningful experiences in the village community. So I plan to prepare over this term and next by introducing more starchy vegetables to my diet and working with a doctor or nutritionist to create a dietary plan that will keep my body running effectively while I'm in Ghana. The dietary plan will be created to ensure I get the nutrients my body needs and that my health concerns remain stable and manageable.

Andrew also mentioned walking everywhere in the village of Wiamose and that the kids often play soccer. I don't want these activities to poop me out either so I plan to get a good 30 minutes of physical activity or exercise 4-5 times a week this term to help me condition for that as well.

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